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One reason this blog even exists is because I have come to hate the jargon of guitar gear sites and forums. Words like ‘transparent’ and ‘crunch’ and ‘organic’ get thrown around without having any sort of concrete meaning. I’ve read whole reviews so jargon laden that they could be describing any number of pedals without really saying anything about the pedal in question. 

I promise not to use the words ‘crunch’ or ‘transparent’ without clearly expressing how they apply in each circumstance. I will not use ‘organic’ at all unless someone is making pedals without chemical pesticides or fertilizers. That is my promise to you. What Clouds Do will be as jargon-free as possible and when jargon is used it will be spelled out. I will not use jargon or technical terms as empty buzzwords.

By the same token, I am very particular about using proper terminology. Nothing builds frustration for me quite like misappropriation of technical terms. A fuzz is a particular thing, as is a bit crusher or a vibrato. I endeavor to be as correct as I can be as often as I can. If I am wrong, I will make corrections.

  I will not refer to tone unless that is the specific name of a pedal or a knob. I do not subscribe to the cult of tone. There is not tone, only an infinite of sounds.

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