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I’ve fancied pedals longer than I’ve fancied guitars. My introduction to the world of Guitar was an issue of Guitar World from shortly after the death of Kurt Cobain. Yes, that was like 20 years ago. The cover story was about the now legendary Unplugged in New York taping and all of the backstage drama. I remember there was a roundup of Telecaster clones, of which a yellow Peavey caught my eye. Most of all, I remember learning about pedals. Prior to this, I had not idea why sometimes guitars were swooshy or fizzy or had echoes. It was like witchcraft.


Three years later, I owned a secondhand Squier Bullet Stratocaster, black, and a 15W Fender amp. My first pedal purchase was a Russian Bubble Font Big Muff my friend Nick had purchased with the intent of sounding more like the Smashing Pumpkins. 16 years later and I still own that Big Muff. 16 years later and Nick is purchasing a clone of that Russian Big Muff from the pedal company I named, a pedal I call the Pussy Riot. 16 years later and I still think about guitar pedals every day.


This blog exists for the singular purpose of giving me a place to gather my guitar pedal related thoughts. That means reviews of stuff I’ve ended up with, rants about the state of pedal manufacturers, and maybe even interviews with pedal makers, if I can pry them away from their irons. 


What clouds do is what I do. They float on by.

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